"Whether or not you agree with the war, I hope you will feel inclined to sign this petition"
And I replied:
"I believe that the war (which was initially intended to 'smoke out' Osama bin Laden) is a waste of effort, money and lives. I believe that it is has achieved nothing in more than eight years, is achieving nothing now, and will achieve nothing in eight more years. But I support our British troops, though I want them brought home ASAP. I also believe that it is nothing less than a slap in the face for the people of Wootton Bassett for these people to even think of a march through the town. That these people are even in this country is a slap in the face for the rest of us.
I have just signed the petition with enthusiasm, honour and pleasure - and I feel better for having done so!
As ever,
Geoffrey Woollard."

I should perhaps make it clear that what I mean by 'these people' is 'Islam4UK or any Similar Group' as referred to in the petition.